Facebook has been under heavy attack the last two or three days as the popular social networking site has become the victim of a severe hacking spree affecting nearly every user on the site.
The hacks do not seem to have specific targets but happen at random with some user’s newsfeeds being littered with objectionable content and others not seeing anything.
Some of the hacks happen in the form of “click’ spam being sent out. A popular spam involves Kim Kardashian with a link to a video. It will say something like “After watching this video I lost all respect for Kim.” Upon clicking, the link takes the unsuspecting person nowhere, and hacks the account sending the same spam to all of the user’s friends.
Other spams include mass messages and tagged photos leading people to believe they are in the link or involved with it because it is not personalized. Those will also have the same result, and continue the spamming of others walls.
It was this type of problem that helped contribute to the demise of Myspace a couple of years ago. The spam ran rampant ultimately causing many of the users to switch to the “safer” Facebook. Now Facebook is having the same problems, but something a bit more alarming and disturbing has happened over the last couple of days.
The newsfeed for many has become a porn and violence infested smut list of nude photos and videos, graphic depictions of death, and blasphemous mockeries of faith through pornography.
Users are outraged and some are considering deleting their profiles. Actress and director, Courtney Zito, told The ChristianPost, “I have 5000 friends. My feed is littered with porn. I can’t even check my news feed with anyone around because of it.”
She said some of these images show up on the feed while others come through the mail. “Just saw one with a guy who had his skull bashed in and his brains on the street. Another one was the devil… Besides the countless naked girls. I’m about ready to deactivate…,” she said.
Another user, Ana Lisa, was disgusted by the “gross nudes everywhere.”
Some people are blaming the super hack group “Anonymous,” after they made threats against the company in August because of the lack of privacy users have on it. The group set their eyes on Nov. 5 as the day they would “kill” Facebook, but the day came and went with no foreseeable action.
However, a number of users have been posting the YouTube video threat today saying it’s finally happening. Vinnie Torres warned his Facebook friends with the video and a status that said, “ANONYMOUS IS GONNA KILL FB. THIS MONTH. TONS OF VIRUSES N SPAM MAIL…”
Website developer Robert M. Pimpster does not believe the hype. “I dont take them seriously. This is the same group that said they will take down the NY Stock Exchange, Amazon and several other companies. The result was nothing. Also the date has long since past with no issues,” he said.
He continued by talking about the safety measures one can take to protect themselves from such hacks. “It’s called being smart about what you click on. I have had ZERO issues with porn on FB. I keep my security levels at high levels to protect my privacy and only share with those I wish to at a specific time. Most people don’t do that they just leave it open.”
Pimpster also feels the Facebook attack is not from “Anonymous” because of the style under which the site has come under fire. “Anonymous uses DDOS attacks which is basically a fake version of hacking. All it is, is a bunch of people going to a website at once until the server can’t handle the load and crashes.”
It remains to be seen who is causing all of this objectionable material to be uploaded onto Facebook. For some users it’s getting worse.
Henry Wakie just couldn’t understand how people could continue to be fooled by the faulty websites. “I love how people are complaining about there Facebook being hacked! Maybe if you didn’t click on gross perverse things, you wouldn’t be having these issues! Seriously people, how sick are you to click on these links!”
While this may be true to some extent, others are being attacked involuntarily.
As many Facebook users log out and await a solution, the remaining social networkers should proceed with caution and hopefully Facebook can fix itself.
Courtesy of The Christian Post