Kanye West SUED For Messin’ W/ Broke People via @ajelkallejero

You know that song “Bumpin’ Bus Stop?”  Well no one does, but that hasn’t stopped the songwriter’s offspring from suing Kanye West for allegedly daring to sample a teensy-weensy portion of that most obscure song.


David Pryor wrote and sang “Bumpin’ Bus Stop” with his band Thunder & Lightning in 1974. Two of his children, Trena Steward and Lorenzo Pryor, each own about a quarter of the tune.


They claim that 13 seconds into Kanye’s “Gold Digger” — his massive 2005 No. 1 hit — comes a sample of their father’s hit miss … If you listen carefully, you can hear what’s allegedly Pryor’s voice say “Get down” three times, echoing Kanye’s line, “Get down girl, get down, get down.”


Steward and Pryor want a judge to stop the sale of “Gold Digger” — which is very weird since it’s been out for 8 years.  And, of course, they want damages, and lots of them. 


Warning to Steward and Pryor … None of the people they’re messin’ with appear to be broke.

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