Mobile App Helps Immigrants Apply for Citizenship VIA @AJELKALLEJERO


There is now a mobile app that will help those with green cards apply for American citizenship. The Webby-winning free app called CitizenshipWorks helps users determine whether or not they qualify for citizenship and find legal help if they need it.

CitizenshipWorks, which already exists in website form, also helps users study for the tests (both English and civic) that are part of the naturalization process.

Several immigration advocacy and legal support groups partner with the site, which prides itself in being a one-stop-shop to help legal permanent residents living in the United States naturalize.

Mark O’Brien, who serves as executive director of Pro Bono Net (one of the nonprofits behind the new app) spoke about the pros of having a mobile app such as this one.

“It struck us that a mobile app was better suited to help people with preparation to come in and get services,” he said. “It’s accessible all the time.”

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