Selena Gomez May Be Dating Jaden Smith via @ajelkallejero

There is no denying that Selena Gomez likes younger men. Her last famous boyfriend happened to be two years her junior. And now, rumors are swirling that she’s hooking up with 14-year-old Jaden Smith!

The two have been spotted out on more than one occasion (though always as “friends”). And an anonymous tipster alluded to a Gomez/Smith relationship in a blind gossip item earlier this week.

The celebrity sleuth explained that Justin and Jaden were very close friends. It also said that their bond may in the process of being blown apart, thanks to a mysterious “ex.”

All the chisme bloggers have connected the dots to mean Selena is part of a love triangle. And while none of it can be supported, it certainly must be making waves in the Smith household.

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