Teenage Girl Forced To Become Pregnant By Adoptive Mother VIA @AJELKALLEJERO

Horrifying. We just heard about a mother who forced her teenage adopted daughter to inseminate herself with donor sperm. The girl was only 14.

According to the Guardian, the reason for the insemination was to provide a baby for the mother after she was prevented from adopting more children (she had already adopted three children as babies from abroad). The website reports that the daughter, who is a virgin, had miscarried at 14 and eventually had a baby at 16 after inseminating herself regularly with sperm purchases by her mom over the Internet.

The adoptive mother cannot be identified for fear of identifying her daughter and grandchild. We cannot believe a mother could push her daughter to get pregnant in a world where most would want their daughters to wait until they’re ready – and worst of all, to give birth to a child for herself. Neither could Mr Justice Jackson, who described “an abiding sense of disbelief that a parent could behave in such a wicked and selfish way towards a vulnerable child.”

According to a judgment was released to the media, the truth was only discovered at the birth of the child. The mother was described as “pushy and insensitive” by midwives. The mother was also quoted to have said “we don’t want any of that attachment thing” when preventing her daughter from breastfeeding the newborn.

The mother is now serving a 5-year prison sentence.

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