Steven Tyler is leaving “American Idol” to spend more time on his music with Aerosmith, Fox announced Thursday.
This follows a season in which the show’s ratings took their biggest plunge ever.
Fox released a statement where, the Aerosmith frontman said, “After some long…hard…thoughts…I’ve decided it’s time for me to let go of my mistress ‘American Idol’ before she boils my rabbit.”
“I strayed from my first love, Aerosmith, and I’m back,” he said. “But instead of begging on my hands and knees, I’ve got two fists in the air and I’m kicking the door open with my band.
“The next few years are going to be dedicated to kicking some serious ass – the ultimate in auditory takeover.
” ‘Idol’ was over-the-top fun, and I loved every minute of it. Now it’s time to bring Rock Back.”
Aerosmith plans to release a new album, “Music From Another Dimension,” on Nov. 6, with a tour to follow up their new material.